For the Special International Ladies
Happy International Women’s Day (I.W.D).

What better way to let someone know that you are thinking of them and showing them that you ‘care’, by treating them to some special purchases.
As it’s I.W.D, let us consider how far women have come in view of gaining more rights, working shorter hours, receiving better pay, and obtaining the right to vote. We commend Women who continue to form the ‘backbone’ of the household and work miracles as Mother, Wife/ Partner; whilst simultaneously functioning in the ‘world of work’.
Women continue to make progress within our society and progress within business, professional and political life. Most recently they have also ‘led from the front’ regarding safeguarding the health of not only the U.K but also that of many nations.
Despite some of these achievements whilst progress is being made regarding the position of women within society, there is still some way to go.
So, to Women (and Men) celebrating, respecting, and embracing the position of Women and supporting them as they strive for further advancement – we salute you!
What this pandemic has taught us is the importance of appreciating the good times and the need to cherish ‘precious’ moments and taking every opportunity to celebrate special events, particularly with loved ones!
Remember …. a fulfilling, satisfying and meaningful relationship is ‘a pleasure, and not a chore’.