Best Offer Price

If you dont like the price you see on our web site, why not offer us your best price.

The way this works is simple.

  1. Look through out extensive range of products.
  2. Most products will have ‘Make Your Offer Now’ Link
  3. You will get to speak to Sophie (She is a bot as she cannot be on here 24/7)
  4. You will be able to make your offer via the system.
  5. If Sophie likes it, you will be able to add it for that price.
  6. If not, try again. If she still doesn’t like it, she will give you a price she would accept.
  7. If you still don’t like the price, she will ask for your best offer and then it will email admin who will look at it.
  8. If we like your offer, then we will accept it and you will be able to purchase at that price.
  9. So come on, start bartering.
  10. The system will not accept any offers if the product is already on sale.
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