A Beautiful Secret

In a recent session with ‘Maggie’, where we were discussing her relationship with her partner, she shared with me the details of a little known ‘secret’. (Well, at least I think that it is)..… Sophie Desire. It is a company that she told me that she was referred to a few years ago, where she would purchases some items, in an attempt to fan the flames and keep the ‘fire-burning’ within her relationship.

Whilst listening to Maggie wax lyrical about her ‘sauce’, (did you see what I did there?) and the recommendation, I contacted them to authenticate her excitement and enthusiasm.

Maggie told me that she no longer used the two other ‘well – known’ businesses that tend to monopolise the Adult Pleasureware industry. When I asked why this was so, she explained that this was primarily because she felt that she could practically ‘speak’ with the owners. Maggie said it was “like I almost know them”. She said that they are “very reasonable and are very flexible with their pricing”.

I contacted them to find out a little more about them. This was what I uncovered…

Sophie Desire is a U.K based company, who are keen to change the ‘taboo’ and open the conversation about discussing issues of intimacy.

They pride themselves on comfort and also provide quality Phthlate – Free and Body – Safe Products. The owners told that they stock a diverse product range with new items arriving on a near daily basis.

The store has 24 hours a day, 7 days a week accessibility.

With regards to issues of a personal nature; they possess a ‘open-minded’ approach to supporting the Customer.

The owners told that as well as aiming to offer affordable prices, the company also aims to cater for all budgets and offer flexible payment options. This is demonstrated by them offering frequent ‘Special Offers’ and ‘Deals of the Week’.

Sophie Desire, impressively has a unique ‘Best Price Offer’, which generally puts the Customer in control of the purchasing decision at what they consider to be the ‘right’ price!

I must say that I was pleasantly surprised, as the people at Sophie Desire are people that you can actually talk to!

If at any point, you know of any businesses or organisations that provide a high level of service and may assist the development of people, please share – and we will share!



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