If you dont like the price you see on our web site, why not offer us your best price.
The way this works is simple.
- Look through out extensive range of products.
- Most products will have ‘Make Your Offer Now’ Link
- You will get to speak to Sophie (She is a bot as she cannot be on here 24/7)
- You will be able to make your offer via the system.
- If Sophie likes it, you will be able to add it for that price.
- If not, try again. If she still doesn’t like it, she will give you a price she would accept.
- If you still don’t like the price, she will ask for your best offer and then it will email admin who will look at it.
- If we like your offer, then we will accept it and you will be able to purchase at that price.
- So come on, start bartering.
- The system will not accept any offers if the product is already on sale.